
Monoprint and a fresh start.


So, I recently left home and moved to the big smoke that is London. After two days of mild hysteria before moving I eventually made it down here with 2 suitcases and a carrier bag to start a new job on a cosmetics counter, and MUCH more importantly, to start my MA :)

I've been studying at Camberwell for about 6 weeks and I can honestly say that Tuesdays and Wednesdays are the best days of the week! I've never had so much fun with drawing. There's very little pressure (other than what I put myself under, obviously), the people are lovely, and although the briefs are challenging I feel like I'm actually learning something. And as I'm studying part time, I have almost a year before it all get's very serious: this means lots of time to play with printing, painting and general mess making!

The 3 mono prints were all done in a workshop with Chloe Cheese - the nature of mono printing meant that I had to work very quickly, which I didn't think I was good at... I think I'm going to force myself into it with my brushes!

(trying to paint as quickly as you have to mono print)

(and I think I'm thinking about Christmas a bit too much)