
San Francisco (and a bit of Berlin) Exhibition

A group of illustrators, graphic designers and film students once went on a trip to San Francisco....
We all had the opportunity to exhibit a piece of work that we did on the trip, or reflected our experience, at the Horse Hospital in Russell Square. The piece had to be a 7inch or 12 inch squared image (like a CD or vinyl sleeve - the exhibition had a kind of music theme..) and I submitted a slightly edited version of a drawing that I did on location whilst in SF.


These were some drawings I did whilst trying to come up with an idea for my final major project outcome - I was working with the concept 'the Perception of Time'. I'd looked at clocks, how time was measured over the centuries, how people coped with time, time in nature, cycles and rebirth....a lot of Time related thoughts, which was beginning to get very philosophical and driving me a bit mad. The idea of the moon and sun as a giant clock came from the idea that as time governs day to day life, time itself is dependent on the movement of the earth around the sun, which in itself governs the length of our days and how much time we have...
so yes, a lot of confusing thoughts. Basically.